Dog Poet Transmitting.......
Well, I haven’t got any idea who Katy Perry is but I saw a link on Newsweek, which I ran into after reading a link to Newsweek from about how the seafood in The Gulf of Mexico is safer and tastier than the seafood in any body of water in the world; more or less and it was about her dirty mind. From the picture, I was interested enough to wonder what mind they were talking about, with her ice cream cone licking, children’s fairytale set, which it proved to be when I clicked it and it started playing.
The first thing I saw was amateur Satanic wannabe Snoop Dog, dressed up like what I guess they call a ‘playa’, rolling dice down on to Alice in Wonderland’s tea table and then this Sara Lee, home baked ingénue, demonstrating that the absence of that ancient, unmistakable rhythm, which expresses itself in the authentic dance of what it is supposed to be advertising, is not necessary, apparently, for the real deal to go down anyway, somewhere off camera in your mind, if your imagination is up to it, or incapable of the real thing.
This was attended by some horrific singing of ill constructed lyrics that worked their way to the full nude, short of the predicted ass rise; simulating your eternal dominance of that thang offered for your primal dominance of…the thang? It’s at this point that I shut it off, which is about the most trenchant critique possible of the whole affair and a good indication of the power her naked ass has over me.
So far, this looks like something that ought to have been written for Reflections in a Petri Dish and the real question that will probably exist in my mind, after I am done here is; “how many people will be more inclined to debate my take on Katy Perry, rather than what this post is actually about and which only incidentally includes this air pumped, commercial baked goods, product.
I’m not providing any links. I’m pretty sure you can find all of this on your own. The last I’ll say about it is that the author of the review of the music video, definitely needed to demonstrate his New York City art gallery opening chops, to the extent that you could taste the chilled sauterne that passed through the awed and attentive crowds of collectors who were mingling at the gallery of pretentious, bad art. I love it when they make the language do a pole dance for all the small time Mafioso who just came in from Yonkers Raceway.
What the heck, you probably should read about the wonders of the Gulf of Mexico seafood. I’m surprised they didn’t say that the oil spill actually enhanced both the taste and safety of anything you might be inclined to eat from that body of water. I couldn’t shake the awareness of the irony between the singer and the fish, in juxtaposition with long standing innuendos concerning certain sex acts and the creatures of the deep. It turned me on so much I had to wonder for a moment if I wasn’t, “do do do looking out my back door”. I’m guessing that’s not what John Fogarty meant and probably not what I meant either but it does imply the consideration of personal surrender to the overwhelming presence of the toxic nature of the times, in a way that proves the real point of the culture is to make you its bitch for the profit and satisfaction of those manipulating it.
In the most recent Reflections in a Petri Dish, I happened to write about Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens, merely using them as examples and receiving, as a result, an enormous amount of feedback on the minutiae of the relationship between them, along with exhaustive histories and theories that took about half a minute to put me out of my depth, since I know very little about them except for the surface associations. Like this post, the imagery used has little to do with the subject of the writing. I must be getting close to some kind of a point here. Part of me wants to avoid making my point all together and let the reader do it for me but... we’ll see.
We’ve come to believe that we are being victimized by psychopaths possessing a diabolical intelligence and capacity for manipulation of our basic drives and weaknesses. Lately I’ve been wondering if they aren’t expressions of those of us most sensitive to a negative, invisible alien presence, which possess a wide range of powers but whose motivations are much different than what we imagine. Having looked deeply into our collective psyche, it could be that they are targeting the most infantile aspects of our being and our most primitive drives for reasons that are altogether different than we think they are. They’re aliens after all, aren’t they?
Maybe all they are doing is entertaining themselves by seeing what happens when they provide us with everything they think we want. The real tragedy here is that they are probably not that far off in general. The nasty end of it comes in when it’s played through the minds of those whose intentions for us have always been more terrible than the rational mind is capable of recognizing or analyzing. Maybe the aliens, the psychopaths and ourselves are all caught up in a common misunderstanding of what is happening because each of us only see our end of it, or see nothing at all, if that is our end of it.
The kicker is that the results turn out to be no different than they would have been in the first place, without any aliens involved at all. No, you don’t have to take drugs to think like this. You just have to be the kind of person who might be inclined to take drugs in the first place.
At the moment, I’m wondering if someone left a bomb in my house, which has now been transferred to a relatively safe location. Without thinking about it, it occurred to me that this could well be true but it doesn’t really bother me very much. I’m not curious about that and have the step by step in place, if I ever get around to wanting to find out. This isn’t the way normal people would go about it. I know that. Being normal isn’t something I prize as an asset.
The real value of knowing, at a fundamental level, that you don’t know anything, is that it causes all kinds of possibilities to come into your head ‘besides’ those based on whatever you think you know, if you are, like just about everyone, someone who doesn’t get the meaning of “I don’t know” and is compelled to reason everything out in terms of what they think they do know.
My own interaction with anyone and everyone is determined by my grasp of what they think they know depending on how much of that gets transmitted to me. There’s no chance that what they know is going to seduce me into sharing their perspective on anything but it does adjust me in a way so that I can interact with them in what looks like an understanding way. My position in the equation is to attempt to transmit unknowing into the exchange and hope it takes.
Whatever happened to me personally must have been pretty severe because I never get the impression that if I knew more about what happened in the past, I would better understand the present. I suspect that it does work that way but my situation doesn’t require it. When it does, the past pops up out of nowhere and the relevant parts come together for whatever the needed adjustment is and then the whole thing goes right back where it came from again and only what needs to remain stays, without my actually being aware of it afterwards, unless I’m supposed to.
I hope all of this is useful where it can be and not confusing where it might be, unless the confusion is an impetus to being useful later on. The safety of the fish in The Gulf of Mexico and whatever this post is attempting to convey, are both dependent on everyone’s individual state of being and how that matches up against the archetypal realities that our existence is based upon to begin with. My take is, as long as I think I know what that is or I think I can somehow discover it, there’s going to be a problem somewhere and… as long as I don’t know what any of it really means, there’s a chance I’ll find out as long as I can refrain from getting in the way of the answer to whatever question is on the way to me as soon as I ask it. I hope that’s all clear enough for me to say, Aloha and Ahrooooooooo and see you next time.
End Transmission.......
'Overweight Lover' is track no. 3 of 9 on Visible and The Critical List's 1993 album
'Jews from Outer Space'
Lyrics (pops up)

Side note; I was more than a little surprised to find that since I wrote the post about The New Shangri La just a short time ago that there was over a hundred new members added since; close to around 130 to be more precise. Zounds!
Smoking Mirrors Mirror.
Well Les, not sure what to say so I'll just say hi and thanks.
If I list the things I know, and compare it to a list of things I do not know, then it would be reasonable to deduce that I do not know. If I compare my lifespan to that of an eternity, it would be reasonable to deduce that I am no more than a dead man. Given these two irrefutable facts, would I not be better off spending my time in the service of the One who knows and is Eternal?Yet, I am unreasonable and thus I lust after that which is as such,unreasonable.
Well Mouser;
I think the following comment summed it up pretty well in the simple specifics; given that there might be more but I don't know.
YI really miss the Gulf shrimp. I'm thrilled to hear that they're safe to eat. If I could afford to buy them,that is.But not to worry. The weather man assures .me that if I'm unable to pay for my share of BP's poison, it will shortly be delivered to my doorstep, free of charge in the form of " moisture moving up from the Gulf".
Fred?...Ginger ?....Anyone?
Yes another metaphorical masterpiece Les old son!Warning if you keep making me piss myself with your smoking reflections then I'm going have to hit you for some doe for new underpants old mate!!!
As far as Gulf gastromony goes well if the fish aren't eating the fish..?Anyone for Perrywinkles?Stay happy it's the only worthy way!!!
Hey Les,
pass this through the google translate service if you dont read German:
Any comments?
BTW your Kathy P _might_ be a gynecologist from Staten Island but no idea what oil-soaked shrimps have to do with poosee :-)
The title says it all. Boy did I laugh! Or it could be longer, "Fishsticks from the gulf and plastic stationary ass and Glenn Beck's I Have a Dream scream and Ben Bernanke's bullshit spewed this weekend from Jackson Asshole, Wyoming..."
Have a great weekend and a Labor Day-- without any labor, of course!
wv: scheacic
Ben and Glenn make me scheacic.
I'll give it a look but... what I am sort of saying, or talking about is toxic shit masquerading as something you are supposed to want that even on the surface doesn't behave or come across as what it is supposed to be able to demonstrate except for people who fuck corpses after the mortician has done his work. And it's possible that one of them is an avenue to becoming that very corpse for them who believe what they are told by people who want them dead.
Les, I love you Man!
I don't care what you write or say or think, wait a minute I love you because of what you write, say, or think! I just love you to pieces! I also don't know very much, but I know that I love you as much as I can not really knowing you, know what I mean.
You're helping me become aware of the arrogance of my "knowingness" everyday and helping me to let go of it! bit by bit.
Love, Debs.
The boys from South Park are right!
If you say it enough; fishsticks, fishsticks, fishsticks, fishdicks, fishdicks, fishdicks, fishdicks..
it really does sound like fish dicks!
What is this knowing thing anyway?
who or what is it that knows?
I dunno
I am only an egg
Sorry, my last comment was off-topic. What has me wondering most about what goes on in the USA is that people put up with just everything: useless and criminal wars, 911, looting of the country blind and now not only the complete destruction of all the east coast of the USA (and probably the whole Atlantic and the coasts of Europe and Africa too), but with lies so idiotic that they sound more like smug insults to the face of the affected.
Sorry if this sounds as an insult (coming from a European), but Americans come across as prostrated, downtrodden and demoralized rather than proud and free when I look at what goes on and how you people (dont) react.
The amount of crimes and insult you allow against yourselves from that gang of bloodthirsty freaks is heartbreaking to watch.
Yow! That Katy Perry (of whom I had fortunately not heard of until this latest post) video was a great presentation on the state of contemporary AmeriKan Kulture. Just what the doctor ordered in case of accidental ingestion of Gulf seafood -- a really superb purgative. I've had my dose of culture shock for the next month or four. Keep it up Newsweek. If I buy any shrimp, it comes from Vietnam.
The more I think I learn, the more ignorant I find out I am. What kind of paradox is this? And some people say that God doesn't have a sense of humor.
Rev. John
Greets from
As for Katy Perry and her anti-Christian foul mouth/songs: you have an equally sordid potty mouth.
Kinda like 2 sides of the same anti-Christ coin? IT ALL BOILS DOWN TO THIS: YOU ARE EITHER 100% FOR Christ - or you have no part in His kingdom. He stated "you are either FOR Me or you are AGAINST Me." There is no fence sitting! NOT POSSIBLE!
I would btw encourage all to read Plutarch's posts at where he exposes the monarchy/WASP/ashkenazi/anglo crime family out of London - the true whore of Babylon as per the book of Revelation
Hi Les,
Have to do thrice reread before commenting on the piece itself ....
Kate Perry in the vid you pointed at:
'There must be something in the water!!'
Aah, don't you Luv those synchronicities??
WV: sionysy - Duh???
You should have hung in until the 3:20 mark of the Katy Perry video. She attaches a couple of cans of whipped-cream to her tits and squirts the cream into the air. It's the highlight of the video in my opinion. Best to watch it without the sound.
4:30 besides the fact that your Jesus doesn't exist, thank god, I could hardly imagine wanting to go to a Heaven where i had to engage with people like you. There are no dirty words (as someone once said) there are only dirty minds and you have one.
Great material, Les.
Entertaining AND edyoukayshanul (if U want it 2 B)
When I don't want it to be educational I do it in person so there's no question of motive. Deb knows that.
just Google Katy Perry: she confesses in a YouTube video that she sold her soul to the devil (as most in Hollywood and the entertainment industry have)- whatever the "devil" may be- but we cannot deny that there are very evil, unseen forces out there that truly exist- it's why the planet is in it's present state
Yea, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all be free of fundie Christians; verily they shall come and post inane comments on Les' blogs.
Rev. John
You go on and on about Lady Truth, then discount Katy Perry's ass, which I assure you is Truth turning the other cheek. You don't get a butt like that from lipo or plastic surgery, Les--- but from good genetics and Dancing dancing dancing.... :-)
I thought that "my back door" song by CCR was about being stoned on acid?
This kind of art, according to the books by artists who are not artists, but authors of insanity taken to the extreme, is a developing movement on the scene called Relativism. Heh, get it? Everything relates to its surroundings, i.e.; everything else. It has defined rules such as every ISM comes from an existing ISM and all ISMs are created by art critics only, not the artist. Its been around a few years now. It would love for itself to be classified with serious ISMs such as Modernism or Cubism for study by art historians, but they could get exactly the same weighty and repulsively expensive bs by studying the recent Greek explosion after they opened their envelope of CDOs.
Such a thrilling post Visible, wandering inside the mental minefield of our now.
Love, nina
Hey Les,
The thing that worries and encourages me about this post is that it all makes perfect sense to me. However, I don't think it's possible to explain it to anyone that it doesn't make sense to. Kind of like playing the harmonica. It's not something you can teach. OK, blow blow suck left, left again suck suck blow blow right blow left...well you see what I mean.
Suffice it to say, that the masses believe that the piss running down their backs is rain, and maybe it is because I don't know...but it sure smells like piss to me.
By the way, I do play a pretty mean harp...
Gonna sit down in the kitchen
Fix me somethin good to eeeaat
Make my head a little high
Make the whole day complete
Cause I'm gonna lay around the shanty mamma...and get a good buzz on....
Peace my friend.
And now, if you weren't offended enough by Katy Perry and Snoop Doggy Poop, here's the definitive counterpoint.
Dear Les,
Yup. Somethings going to happen.
Most Earthlings fear it. As Alfred E. Newman said: "Why worry?"
Death and taxes?
Yup. The cosmic is there. A thousand religions offer the path to salvation. Only the CREATOR knows for sure what the plan is. i.e. Dark evil forces v. everlasting light. A human can drive themselves crazy by trying to figure out freewill v. predestination.
Meanwhile, lighten up..........look at what the Creator has created...even if it means watching the grass grow.
Well Nina;
You don't show up often but when you do, it tends to make the cobwebs turn into something I would wear by dancing...
And to the cat who got the whole thing and then retreated before rubbing it in...thanks. That's why we do it. And for everyone that this scares or frustrates- don't worry about it. If it had any real effect on you, you wouldn't be part of this.
I guess the real challenge when trying to listen for something you know you don't know is to shut the fuck up and get out of the way, so you can hear the answer when it comes softly knocking.
Excellllllennnnt......The Old ones have always been here.........This Planet is nothing more..... than a CHICKEN RANCH.......for them.....they are not here...for feathers.....the bone, blood and for the farmers...toil nothing more.... ..the masters without a name ....collect a special prize. the only real value in this UNIVERSE.......YOU know what that prize is. They will not be Denied. [or not].... ........word for word.....................A fortiori........................322
Facts are still facts, truth is still truth. Ignoring it definitely does not make it go away. \/G\/
Visible, besides changing my life when I thought I was so important among my peers who are all experts or we would not be teaching here, you did a little more than that. I think it might have been different if religion had not been my subject and if I had not been open but I was.
It's been a real pleasure for me and my classrooms have that much more sunlight in them since you brought me to my knees. I have to tell you that the more I let go the more sense you make to me. I email you too much already. I just show up here because I want my affection to be public. This was horrifically precise. It was so pinpoint accurate that I could even remember the last time I made a joke about pussy and fish. I'm astonished that you don't make me pay for this and every time I think of that I remember why you do it and that I used to think I had faith in it. I know that I don't know and I am so much better for it.
I got the innuendo part too. I don't mind that your ivy league boy friend said it first. I'm just kidding! I'm jealous too. I know you told me how to do it but I'm too scared. That is the truth.
Katy Perry is the reason I started jacking off in the first place. If you are going to mess with my fantasies then the next thing is to tell me I'm not having any fun and then just like you said I am going to want to kill you. I'm not joking grin.
You shouldn't be on Facebook because all your old friends are tuning in. We're thinking about how to fuck this up for you since you can't do it for yourself. You ran away all that distance and you still turn out being just what you were here. Virginia and the whole east coast says hello. You can thank Howard for this. He's the one who tracked you down. I'm already probably late to the party. You can't run and you can't hide.
Aside from the childishly vain & carnal attempt @ digital whoredom brought to new levels, you have to admit them hos does have a calling for such nice bootie. Hee hee.
"Human Conduct is ever unreliable until
anchored in the Divine. Everything in future will improve, if you are making a Spiritual Effort now."
--Swami Sri Yukteswar
quoted from Autobiography of a Yogi,
by Paramahansa Yogananda.
There is an anecdote in the book wherein a master
on the streets of India could display miraculous
powers, so a joker tried to trick him by giving a
drink of "milk" which turned out to be Quicklime.
The master fixed his gaze upon the trickster, and
drank down the awful quicklime solution, after which
the TRICKSTER experienced the pain and nausea
of the bellyful of poison, while the master smiled
and scolded--there you GO!!...Ha HA!....
---check out Moody Blues' "To Our Children's Children's Children"....
"...but if you want to play, stay right here on Earth,
waiting for ReBirth..."
You're still looking to Dive In There, Tail oscillating,
ready to Penetrate that Egg and be reborn
Heaven Forbid!
My People die for lack of Knowledge.
Break the Circle.
Don't be a Demonic stooge.
Didn't get much of that Visible - but what the hell your heart and head are - mostly - in the right place. I think you have been deeper than most and managed to come out intact - mostly. The gulf is fucked in my opinion. Wickedness abounds. That BP CEO should be hung from a tree down there ....
Biloxi business unloads large batch of Mississippi shrimp
"Some of the shrimp immediately went on sale at the Biloxi business. The rest will be packed and sold to wholesalers and other seafood markets across the coast, or boiled to order for casinos.
"So if you go to different buffets up and down the coast, you'll see our shrimp in there," said Gunkel. "It feels great. It's like business is coming back to normal."
well bill
i don't know you
but i know your type
you sound like
your holding a grudge
of some kind
i suggest you
get back to your
own life - it looks
like it might need
a little work
and if your chasing people down
i'm easily found
come and get me
Les, If the PTB are now praising the "safety" of the seafood from the Gulf, one must wonder how safe any food is that comes through the big industrial channels. The lies are getting as big here in the "Free World" as any of the ones we used to laugh at from Bagdhad Bob and TASS. What percentage of the public do you think swallows this crap; hook, line and sinker?
Geeze Visible, I hate it when I know in advance my comment is going to follow that of some creepy blockhead speaking in inuendo and leaving threats. Do ignore them since most of us who hang on your every word have our fingers 1/8th inch from our magic Hi Ho Dog Poet Holsters when anyone disturbs you in any way.
My comment is to simply tell you I have never missed a post of yours in all these years. Whether I comment or not, I'm here, count on it.
The reason for not commenting more frequently is commenting on everything you put up would be like commenting to myself. So if you do not mind, allow me to comment on what I estimate to be your most extra outstanding works.
And please remember this, trolls are not worth your attention, your attention is far too valuable.
At first I wasn't going to leave a link either but then I changed my mind. There is one so glaring people should take a look at. Mississippi fisherman refuse to go out and even fish in the toxic mess. State officials told them to shut up and stop talking about it.
Les, this is your best post since your previous best post. Not that I know that of course - because, like a certain Manuel, I know noth-eeng.
Bill, 10:39 PM
If you can stop jacking off for long enough, you are cordially invited to come find me, instead; the pleasure will be all mine!
Look, I even made it real easy for you...
Martin (another internet hard man)
Yeah what nina said.
right on sister!
Dam the torpedoes, full steam ahead for planet truth and freedom.
So if Heysus is/was 'a fisher of men' then these days he is certainly fishing in toxic waters. And making toxic fishsticks, or were they, fishdicks? Regardless, they probably taste the same.
I've really enjoyed the direction the Dogship been headin' lately. I like the idea of just admitting we don't know shit, or shit's brother, or any of shit's family. So much smarter to wait for the moment to dictate the knowledge one needs at that moment... usually it has been provided, if you know where to look. Does that make sense? Does it matter?
Listening to Radio Free Israel this morning... Jew this, Hitler that, Israel this, Muslim that. Aren't they tired of this shit yet? I suppose it's important to remember that NPR is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting whose CEO sits at the same table to eat the same bad catered food as the CEOs of all the other major networks when they're being feted by the NWO at one of their 'gatherings'. Yeah, that's a long sentence that needs some work to improve it... Maybe if we did away with all those CEOs it might read better?
A good thing to remember when fishing is that you can't catch the unwilling...
Understanding thru ignorance...
wv:thode... I thode the bike down the path less traveled, or maybe I thode it all away...
Nina, I feel the same way as you said, "The reason for not commenting more frequently is commenting on everything you put up would be like commenting to myself."
So THAT'S the song I heard ad nauseum while I was in Ecuador this summer! The pedestrian quality of the song, Snoopy the Pimp, and his ho du jour showing her wares - I found none of it impressive, which of course is a good sign.
For karmic purposes, however, after listening to as much of the song as I could stand, I then listened to The Who's "Bargain", a true classic.
Sometimes I have to read your stuff twice, but I 'get' every word and thought you write. To me you're always clear and articulate. Our viewpoints may be from slightly different locations and backgrounds (grin) but I'm pretty much mostly awe-struck and enjoy the alternate takes you offer. Same with many of your great star-cruiser crew. Hope we can do a hang someday, a stroll down the road with you, or I could do some shit work around the shambhala camp so you can attend to your work. Or we could relax imbibing our personal pleasures and see where our spirits converge.
Great summation of the Gulf situation by the National Coordinator of the Gulf Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens' Initiative) with GRAPHIC DIAGRAMS:
"Planet Earth has become Pandora..."
What a great bunch of people. I look at the comments most of the time and I go, you know what? we're doing something right. We met each other and we do know shit from shinola and don't have any use for either; not the sort of people to have bronzed baby shoes or get serious about ourselves like more lasting versions didn't already make that point. I keep thinking about Mozart's grave. One thing I know is that he's not in there. And Bholanath, I already got dibs on the shit work you don't get to corner the glory all to yourself. I was pretty amused when Susanne said to me, "You know what? I like that Bholanath guy. I already knew you were cool but that made you intersteller. Just about nothing gets past Susanne and I honestly wish some of it did (grin). Sometimes it is hardest to explain to the people closest to you why god keeps laughing at your plans, not that I know shit about drafting or architecture.
estebanfolsom @ 2:54 am
martin kearns @ 12:52 pm
btw fellows, i'm here to tell you that you got it all wrong.
fyi, the "Bill" @ 10:39 pm that you guys made your rude remarks to, just happens to be one of Les' most long-time closest personal friends.
Bill is also one of my oldest friends as well. Bill lives in Virginia. and so does the "Howard" (also one of our oldest friends) that he mentioned.
Bill's comment was made entirely in good-will and jest. it was a little humor between him and Les.
Bill is not a regular internet user, so that why he said that Howard was the one who had "tracked down Les".
of course, i have been in touch with Les via the net ever since Les first got online when he lived in Hawaii in 90s. i have also been in touch with Bill all down through the years, but almost never directly via the net, as he generally isn't computer/internet savvy.
however, and nevertheless, the "Bill" you remarked to, still remains as one of Les's (and my) oldest friends. and Bill's comment here was simply his way of popping in for a moment and saying hi to Les.
so the lesson here is, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions... especially when you don't really know what's up.
I did drafting for a few decades starting when I was 15, so maybe I could slick up your plans to impress god.
But, dude, you haven't seen my shit resume. Toilet cleaning, stable shoveling, chicken-coop scraping, ditch-digging, diaper-changing, dog-pound maintenance, house-mudding, as well as disarming belligerent drunks (heh heh) and various other sordid duties. My staff will forward the resume to you...dibs, huh? We'll arm-wrestle for it.
Your truth and you are beautiful. I've read your articles for about a year now and have never felt the need to comment. Just wanted you to know how much your spiritual warrioring has meant to me. I don't think it is what you say so much as the consciousness level from which you say it that resonates so strongly. You have been a tremendous source of inspiration for me since I activated kundalini a few years ago. It's been a bumpy ride, from hell to the return path in one lifetime you know. I couldn't have made it without inspiration such as that which you provide. I just wanted to say thanks and let you know that when things seem dark, that there are souls like me out here who love you and have been uplifted by you.
manuel, like Colonel Schultz, knew nothing to stay out of trouble.
the Vis attitude (if Im not mistaken) is to know nothing so that trouble might come knocking at the door, trouble being the truth in a world packed full of lies.
as for the truth being "the truth", we cannot know much about where an electron lies about an atom, and if we try we influence the experiment and make ourselves part of it, and can't readily disentangle observer from observed. Im being lazy with the truth here, but its about right, in a quantum universe things are probable or not likely, there are no absolutes and theoretically everything is possible, however unlikely. But there is a hell of a differnce between highly unlikely and happens all the time. child-like (not childish) innocence is the only way to keep learning and not falling foul of the ever pesky and self limiting hubris.
or how about Paul Simon's "I know what I know, ... its a thing that I do in the back of my head"
An article in the Nation Newspaper today, here in Siam, states that 61% of the working age population have the education of less than an 8 year old (I guess relative to international standards.)
That equates to over 21 million people. Now if we consider those above working age and those below then we have basically a nation of grown ups with infant mentality (population approx 70 million. 11% aren't schooled at all so they fall below the norm!
Point being - if people cant' think and reason then they will accept what ever they are told - for the most part - however fishy.
Ofcourse the advantage to such a system of education is a cheap obedient workforce. Think $200 per month.
Now if we consider the destruction of education in the west - USA and UK eg. Then we can see where wages are headed.
To see how advanced the education agenda has progressed one just has to read posters comments on the PrisonPlanet Website.
Sorry little relevance to your post Les, but i did mention fish :)
Jaya Sri Ram! Namaskar!
hey there bro, i've been meaning to get back to you for a real long while. sorry it took me so darn long. so please accept my apologies.
this here is just a quick note to let you know that i will be sending you a a personal email very soon.
i was prompted because i just happened to check your blogsite tonite, and i was most pleasantly surprised. that i am impressed and feeling warmhearted is an understatement.
some months ago you had asked me, if perhaps you and i had possibly crossed paths somewhere? well right now, i'd say that is a very likely possibility.
i have been into the indian life and sacred music for more than 40 years. and i spent some real serious time living and being yogi/sadhu & sadhaka all over India and the Himalayas from 1969 thru 1972, and then again during most of 1984, and again in 1990.
i was also in Taos many times back in the 70s as well. we have alot of things in common, and i'd bet we also definitely have at least a few mutual acquintances.
you know, there is just way too much to cover and to share here, and this really isn't the proper place... so we should definitely connect personally and much more directly. so please keep an eye out for my email address which is 'omsatnam'. i will give you my phone as well. really looking forward to talking etc.
aum shanti
~ long john
Long John @ 3:22 AM:
Just like I said in my previous comment: I know nothing; I would add only that you appear to be confusing directness with rudeness - but if I have been perceived as being rude - to one of Les' friends, no less - then I apologise, sincerely.
Bill - I am sorry, and hope you will accept my apology.
Notwithstanding, LJ, your assertion that Bill's comment @ 10:39PM was simply "...a little humor between him and Les." - possibly this "humor" might best have been served by means of a private e-mail to Les, rather than an apparent threat to kill him, made in the public domain.
since you named me directly
i will respond
i make no apology
to anyone at anytime
for any reason
that's just the way i roll
[love that expression]
you don't have to like me
i don't have to be here
i don't know bill [jack]
or any of you really
and i'm not a longtime
friend of les's
and i can only suggest
we are not a reflection
nor a refraction
we are not a wave nor a particle
we are not a thought
nor a reaction
we most certainly are not words
so what the hell are we ?
we are light
and the only proof of our exit-stance
is a shadow
and an echo
off the caves wall
can you hear me now ?
thought so
Martin@4:41 kinda got me thinkin'
Someone threatens to kill another person what should I do? Someone is coming up behind a nice matronly looking lady with a knife in hand and malice in the eyes... I see this, what should I do?
My knee-jerk reaction is to want to stop what I see as perceived threats against other humans. The response to help others has been hardwired into most of us on an evolutionary level. Or should I say I believe that, based on what I've witnessed in 41 years of my lifetime all spent living in the Western U.S.... (how many damn dots should I use? One for the period, three for the ellipsis, four? none? shit, does it matter?)
Ahhh, sidetracked for a moment. As I was saying, I realize my western viewpoint is formed as much by where I live as what's inside me. I think the beginning of humanity's problems getting along with each other is our inability to be flexible in our thinking. Other people may not think or believe like us, and that makes us feel uncomfortable. Also, we're quick to hop on our emotional roller coasters and ride the crazy track our life experience laid down upon our mind for how many years now?.
Maybe we should take another look at the sweet lady about to be 'killed'; Who is attacking her? Is the violent person a man or a woman? What color skin is the 'attacker'? How is the would-be killer dressed? What is going on around her? Are there other people? What are the other people doing? Is it night or day?
How you answer those questions right now will tell you a bit about how you'd respond if such a thing were happening in realtime. I'm not going to try and guess what sort of preconceived imagery you might have – I know what mine is... Like how Mr Bill's comments to Les first made me react. After reading those weird words I spent a bit of time separating what I thought they meant, from just the post itself.
It was quite a crazy thing Bill wrote. It reminded me of Les when he's 'speaking in tongues' and then it struck me, what if Bill were Les? What if Long John is Les? Hell what if I'm Les?
There is a lesson in all this. I think.
As for the nice lady about to die I'll leave you with a few possibilities; She was an actress in a movie production, you didn't notice the rest of the set because you were so stoned. Or maybe the 'killer' is her young lover and they were about to get really kinky with a fake rape?
Last but not least... There are some people that remain alive only because it's against the law to kill them, and maybe the old lady was a mean old bitch who deserves it?
wv: nucitywo... I can't make shit like that up :) I'm movin' to a nu city, wo!
Les– I tried to post this and blogger says I've got verbal diarrhea so I'm gonna split it up and send it again. If the first post made it, delete this and my next one too. Thanks.
Martin@4:41 kinda got me thinkin'
Someone threatens to kill another person what should I do? Someone is coming up behind a nice matronly looking lady with a knife in hand and malice in the eyes... I see this, what should I do?
My knee-jerk reaction is to want to stop what I see as perceived threats against other humans. The response to help others has been hardwired into most of us on an evolutionary level. Or should I say I believe that, based on what I've witnessed in 41 years of my lifetime all spent living in the Western U.S.... (how many damn dots should I use? One for the period, three for the ellipsis, four? none? shit, does it matter?)
Ahhh, sidetracked for a moment. As I was saying, I realize my western viewpoint is formed as much by where I live as what's inside me. I think the beginning of humanity's problems getting along with each other is our inability to be flexible in our thinking. Other people may not think or believe like us, and that makes us feel uncomfortable. Also, we're quick to hop on our emotional roller coasters and ride the crazy track our life experience laid down upon our mind for how many years now?.
Maybe we should take another look at the sweet lady about to be 'killed'; Who is attacking her? Is the violent person a man or a woman? What color skin is the 'attacker'? How is the would-be killer dressed? What is going on around her? Are there other people? What are the other people doing? Is it night or day?
How you answer those questions right now will tell you a bit about how you'd respond if such a thing were happening in realtime. I'm not going to try and guess what sort of preconceived imagery you might have – I know what mine is... Like how Mr Bill's comments to Les first made me react. After reading those weird words I spent a bit of time separating what I thought they meant, from just the post itself.
It was quite a crazy thing Bill wrote. It reminded me of Les when he's 'speaking in tongues' and then it struck me, what if Bill were Les? What if Long John is Les? Hell what if I'm Les?
There is a lesson in all this. I think.
As for the nice lady about to die I'll leave you with a few possibilities; She was an actress in a movie production, you didn't notice the rest of the set because you were so stoned. Or maybe the 'killer' is her young lover and they were about to get really kinky with a fake rape?
Last but not least... There are some people that remain alive only because it's against the law to kill them, and maybe the old lady was a mean old bitch who deserves it?
wv: savit... The World? Sav it!
I get the feeling that oumknow who is here and who isn't.
Time to start putting the business plan together for Shangri La. Will send you an email in this.
A single event could start a lot of dominos to start falling and one possible outcome will be that where you are is where you will be. Could be a good thing, or not.
To: Martin Kearns @ 4:41
martin... you say that your comment was merely one of "directness". well alright, if you say so. its just not how it came across to me. but thanks for clarifing.
you also said (referring to Bill's comment):
"possibly this "humor" might best have been served by means of a private e-mail to Les, rather than an apparent threat to kill him, made in the public domain."
well, actually it really was not a threat, it was a joke, and i am quite sure Les knows that.
also, regarding your suggestion that Bill should have emailed Les... the last time i talked to Bill he told me (again) that he really does not do any emailing. so i assume that is still the case. and that, is basically what i tried to indicate in my previous comment.
To: estebanfolsom @ 5:53 PM
i didn't say anything about apologising. i simply said: "don't be so quick to jump to conclusions... especially when you don't really know what's up." so why are you so defensive? you obviously didn't "hear" me.
and as far as whether or not i "like" you... well it seems you're the one with the rather arrogant attitude, not i. and oh, btw, your smart-ass obtuse philosophizing still doesn't justify a shitty vibe.
hey there bro! i've been meaning to get back to you for a real long while. sorry it took me so darn long. please accept my apology.
this here is just a quick note to let you know that i will be sending you a personal email very soon (within a day or so).
i am prompted because i just happened to check your blog-site last evening, and i was most pleasantly surprised. that i am quite impressed and feeling goodhearted is an understatement.
also, some months ago you had asked me (partly in jest), if perhaps maybe you and i had possibly crossed paths somewhere out on the west coast? well right now, i'd say that is a very likely possibility... but it was probably much more like India.
i have been into the indian life and its sacred music for more than 40 years. and i have spent some real serious time living as a yogi-sadhu and sadhaka all over India and the Himalayas from 1969 thru 1971, and then again during most of 1984, and once again in 1990.
i was also hanging in Taos many times back in the 70s as well. so we have some things in common, and i'd bet we also definitely have at least a few mutual acquintances.
you know, there is just way too much to cover and to share here, and this really isn't the proper place. but we should definitely connect personally and much more directly. so please keep an eye out for my message and email address which is 'omsatnam'. i will also give you my phone as well. i'm really looking forward to connecting. -aum shanti-
~ long john
Hi All,
Spend last weekend very, very deep in the rabbithole.... it was raining 'cats and dogs' anyway ;-)
If you are ready for a truly amazing way of finding out 'How You don't know, but still do' I can sincerely recommend this site:
This site dives deep into Ed Leedskalnin's "Coral Castle" mystery ...and manages to explain this 'simple' principle in a extremely beautiful graphical way!!
It will take you a couple of hours to read the site, but it's well worth your time!! (if time exists that is ;-)
Just after the great flood, the waters were calm. Something was wrong on Noah's ark. The ark was bouncing around on the top of the waters without any apparent reason. Noah decided to have a look around the ark to see if he could figure out the mystery. Lo and behold, when he went down to the hold where the animals were he saw the reason. The animals were going at it like, well, animals. Mating, coupling, screwing, rutting, furiously in their pens. Noah screamed "Idiots! I save your lives...we have been through all of this and this is how you are going to behave?! Your going to sink the friggin ark!" The animals immediately obeyed Noah and stopped their activities. Upon a little reflection, Noah felt bad for the animals and came up with a solution. He returned and said to them, "Here, I have some wooden chips. On the chips you will find a date and an hour...this will be your allotted time with your mate." There was much rejoicing. After a few days problems sprang up in the pair of monkeys. The male monkey started coming around to the female and saying to her "Wednesday at 4 you are going to suffer!" This continued for 3 days. Every day the same. The monkey to his mate "..just wait until Wednesday at 4 o'clock, you are gonna suuuffeerr!" She had all of this she could take and went to talk to Noah. "Noah, this asshole won't stop..I know what is going to happen on Wednesday, we all have our chips...but he is embarrassing me! What are my friends going to say about us, being so public about our time?" Noah said he would talk to the monkey. He found him in the hammock and said "monkey, you must stop harrassing your mate, she is embarrassed by your behaviour...and what is this about she is going to suffer? This talk is not becoming of a loving couple!" Monkey says "...look Mr. Noah, I'm just trying to prepare her. Truth is the other night we were playing some poker down in the stables and I lost my chip to the donkey! "
Have a great day ya'll!
mike (yeah, yeah, gotta change my name)
wv: rotentoo Rin-tin-tin's brother
A new Reflections in a Petri Dish is up now-
The Enemies of Humanity and their Empty Suit Puppets.
Katy Perry? Well, that was one less vacuous piece of trash I could have done without being aware of. The sad part is the amount of thought power given to her by the sheeple as the foundation of humanity continues to crumble around their oblivious asses.
The last couple months' worth of posts (and comments) have been thought-provoking as usual. Thanks Les.
You missed Visible Origami. It's not relevant there either but someone might see it.
@ Dublin Mick, this is something that may interest you.
Whoops! (hours late) There's a new Visible Origami up now-
The Stained Glass Windows of the Sun.
'long john'
i doubt you will ever see this as i just came across
your message to me in the archives
in the five or so years
i have been 'sharing my 'work' on the internet
your the first one to diss me
liked that though
pretty rich
if you think about where we are
'smart ass obtuse
i can only offer this :
the difference between
philosophy and truth ?
one is negotiable
and one is not
hope this clears
things up
my real
DM has been banging on about the gulf for who knows how long, and rightly so, who is to blame???? BP??? The tribe?? No, neither. the faceless men(and women...... or ghouls) that control mankind, We can blame whoever we see fit, but, the fact is, there is a controlling elite, and they have no devotion to anyone......not even each other. You know, and I know, and DM most certainly knows that their days are numbered, they are dust. The god you talk about is within ourselves, we are god(or at least a representative of the divine) To blame Israel for Palestine is no different from blaming America for Iraq. How our brothers and sisters have suffered at the hands of a few............NOT a nation(although our ignorance could be tagged as complicit) Our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Palestine will prevail, they have nothing to lose because they never deemed that they had anything to start with, they see themselves as guests on this beautiful mother earth. Unlike the vermin that persecute both them and us. We talk about an event that is due to happen, or might happen, or indeed has don,t matter, you cannot take anything away fron a ppl who have nothing, all you can do is fester in the knowledge that you own everything yet it is still not enough to satisfy your hunger, you then have but one choice, you have to eat yourself from the inside out......... That is what these sad entities are doing right now, I pity them, I also hope that they are fast eaters(grin) May Bill Gates finally have his wish that Cheyney gives him all he has got, while the Rothschild puppet master goes into a heart attack spasm and gives Bill more than he bargained for. The audience of course, would be Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan....... and all the so called third world countries that good old Bill has deposited his masters poisons. These same brothers and sisters in the audience would plead for the rescue of Bill. THAT is why this vermin is doomed to the gates(excuse the pun) of hell, because for all the wickedness that has been delivered to them, our brothers and sisters would plead for mercy for their persecutors. You have to love these ppl, I do, more than I could ever write in words.
Love your words Les
Steve B
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